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The International Business Association (IBA) and the Human Resources Management Association (HRMA) are student-led organizations under the Capilano school of business. The two associations strive to bring quality business and networking events to students envisioning their future.

We would like to invite you to our stand-up networking event 'Connect Us'. This event is to help Capilano University students network with industry professionals. This year’s Connect Us theme will be centered around different industries ranging from small businesses to large corporations. We are bringing together a panel of professionals to share their experiences, difficulties, and breakthroughs they experienced during their careers as well as personal journeys and have them talk about how they overcame HR, finance, and international business challenges within their companies, including during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our keynote speakers are from various backgrounds ranging from HR, Marketing, and Finance and includes business owners that have found success in areas like tech, trades, fashion, e-commerce, and culinary industries and are willing to provide you with a deeper insight into the current job market and add value to your personal entrepreneurial endeavors.

Connect with us on March 19th, 2021 from 6 pm-8 pm via Zoom. Meet new people, share experiences, and have a fun, wonderful night. There will be free food (Uber Eats) and chances to win other gift cards throughout the event.

February 10

Insight into CPHR & HR Profession

April 1

Compensation, Rewards, and Unions