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Insight into CPHR & HR Profession

Gaining the CPHR designation early in your career would help your career to be an HR professional. Join the Capilano Human Resources Management Association (HRMA) as we host “Insight into CPHR & HR Profession” session, where our esteemed guest speakers from CPHR BC and Yukon would explain various pathways to CPHR designation and our guest panelists would be excited to answer all your queries regarding your career launch to what to expect while working in the HR field. It would also explain the benefits of student membership, volunteer opportunities, mentorship programs, and many more. Afterward, we will have a Q&A session for the students to ask their queries and end with an exciting activity.

If you are eager to hear about working in HR, don’t miss out on this opportunity to find answers to all HR career-related questions by the experts and get to know about CPHR. Give your career a direction early on with a great chance to win exciting gift cards and even your one-year CPHR membership sponsored by us.

December 18

Fall Mixer 2020

March 19

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